Protected: “7 days to die” Server Observation

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Game On {Gamification and the Student Experience}

More Homework! This one has a podcast! Look I make poor dietary decisions on the regular, so it’s probably not particularly surprising that as soon as local restaurants in our smallish rural city started operating through Eat Now I took advantage of this new and exciting way to be incredibly lazy and eat bad food….

4 History Podcasts I listen to as soon as they come out!

I listen to a LOT of podcasts. I started with Serial as I think a lot of people did and it was the gateway drug into a full blown podcast problem. Lately, since we released our own podcast really, I’ve been exposed to a world of indie podcasts that I just wouldn’t have heard about otherwise. It’s…

It’s ALIVE 💥 The FrankenPod Pilot

Listen via website or copy this link into your podcast app. Listen via YouTube Maybe… If I can work out the bugs. The FrankenPod Blog This is our pilot episode in which Brent and I stumble through the disparate plot points of the 1818 gothic novel Frankenstein or the Modern day Prometheus by Mary Shelley and the 1931 movie Frankenstein directed by…

Failing to Nail it

It’s times like this when I’m standing in a freezing cold park in west albury at 9am on a Sunday morning waiting for permission to walk 4.3kms with a bunch of school kids that I question my life choices. Update 09.36 Scotts School just showed up with bagpipes and a big fuck off drum. Becausd…

National Folk Festival Day 1… first volunteer shift 8.37am

So… not sure if I’m supposed to be wearing high visibility stuff right now. Waiting out the front of the community arts tent for someone to show up. The sun is radiating off the dew covered canvas. Steam rising dramatically from then tents. It’s a bit chilly, and very quiet apart from the thuds and…

Pokeball Poi

So someone with more time and patience could follow a pattern and do this beautifully… I, however, have opted to do my usual jazz crochet, improvised… but without the skill of an accomplished jazz musician. More like a guy who has never seen a saxaphone before trying to play it my hitting in with a…

Wash out

I do believe Summer may have lulled us into complacency. I hate being hot and sweaty but I had kind of resigned myself that it was now my lot in life to slowly roast to death in the gradual onset of a massive climate change. But that is still not quite how seasons work and…

​I do not wish to alarm you but your human is on fire again

It was a beautiful Sunday night in May, the crisp cold night air tickled my nose as I stood on the front doorstep, quietly deliberating what to do with my evening. The night was young and the sounds of cheeky crickets drifted across the calm suburban landscape. A bath maybe, or a moonlit stroll? Perhaps…

Camp Shower’s Big Adventure

Today I: drove 20kms at 100kmph Went around 3 round abouts  Went into 2 shops  Dropped the kids off at their various schools Drove in town for 15 minutes All without noticing our camp shower on the boot of my car until some lovely guy at the traffic lights told me. 1. Ffs Morgan get…