Failing to Nail it

It’s times like this when I’m standing in a freezing cold park in west albury at 9am on a Sunday morning waiting for permission to walk 4.3kms with a bunch of school kids that I question my life choices. Update 09.36 Scotts School just showed up with bagpipes and a big fuck off drum. Becausd…

ShitTown – Chapter 4

After hearing about the mottos on the sundials earlier episode I went looking because I was sure the one in our town was more positive than the grim mottos in ShitTown. Let others tell of storms and showers, I’ll only mark your sunny hours. Not bad huh! A little cheesy but I like a sundial…

Wash out

I do believe Summer may have lulled us into complacency. I hate being hot and sweaty but I had kind of resigned myself that it was now my lot in life to slowly roast to death in the gradual onset of a massive climate change. But that is still not quite how seasons work and…

Thinking about it only makes it worse…

Need the entirety of modern life related back to a Mitchell and Webb sketch? No me neither, but if you did David Mitchell has you covered. Don’t get me wrong, I am an unashamed sychophant when it comes to his writing…and it takes alot of self referential segues before I start to cringe. But the…

Talking RAW

At the community conversation for renewable energy albury wodonga to get some ideas and hear some amazing speakers. Sorry about  the dodgy photo but a proper write up is on its way ♤♡♢♧ morgan mushroom ♤♡♢♧

7 days until we get the bus

Sorry about the lack of updates I’ve been working on crochet buses for our Kickstarter campaign which goes live next week. We’ve got a pretty solid idea of how we’ll be setting up our solar power and a pretty excellent quote from Anything Solar in Wodonga, so that has put my mind at rest a…

MAMA Opening; Albury Gets to know it’s Mama

Friday the 2nd of October saw the newly revamped Albury art gallery, known as MAMA throw it’s doors open… at least if you were lucky enough to get tour tickets. But for those of us who missed out there were still plenty of sites to be seen. Kids on giant pink snails, tentacles bursting out…