The Lady Pod Squad and Online Creative Communities

Header Image: Radio love by r2hox tm :CC BY-SA 2.0 Apple says that there are over 525,000 podcasts registered with Apple Podcasts (Locker 2018), formerly part of Itunes, and let me tell you the Apple Podcast registration can be a pain in the neck. There may be many who are just publishing to RSS feeds…

Writing about Music (Writing for the Arts 1)

Buy Books So I can buy coffee! Kent, Nick. “Sid Vicious – The Exploding Dim-Wit.” The Dark Stuff: Selected Writings on Rock Music 1972-1993. London: Penguin. 1994. 179-87. The reading was a quite brutal close up look at one of the most iconic moments in the 70s punk movement. I found that it might be…

Graffiti, Deviance and Public Art

Graffiti exists in a grey area between art and crime, with some forms considered legal and others considered to be illegal and against the best interests of society. But how do we draw the distinction between public art and destructive deviance? Can illegal graffiti play a legitimate role in a functional society or does the…

READING JOURNAL COD125 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MURDOCH UNIVERSITY: Learning liberation: a comparative analysis of feminist consciousness raising and Freire’s conscientization method

Reading Material: Learning liberation: a comparative analysis of feminist consciousness raising and Freire’s conscientization method, Butterwick, Shauna J., The University of British Columbia, [1987], pp.18-26 The effects of the changing Brazilian culture on Freire’s outlook are the initial key point being addressed in this chapter with the turbulent events happening in his own country certainly…


AN EVALUATION OF ‘ODDYSEA’: A PROJECT BY SENSORIUM THEATRE, DADAA, Australia[January 2014] This is an evaluation made by DADAA Inc. of the immersive sensory theatre experience, Sensorium Theatre’s Oddysea performances and residency within primary and secondary schools that cater to children with a variety of disabilities. The company Sensorium Theatre has utilized the concept of…

READING JOURNAL COD125 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MURDOCH UNIVERSITY: Radical and Marxist Approaches in Modern Social Work Theory: A Critical Introduction

Reading Material: Payne, Malcolm, 1991, Radical and Marxist Approaches in Modern Social Work Theory: A Critical Introduction, pp. 201-223, London: MacMillan The article endeavours to explain the key points of Marxism, the importance of the influence of “mode of production”, how it relates to social work, some of its failings and how it differs from…

Reading Journal COD125 Community Development Murdoch University: Kura, yeye, boorda, Nyungar boodier nidja boodjar : community development and indigenous communities

Reading Material: Collard, L. and Palmer, D. Kura, yeye, boorda, Nyungar boodier nidja boodjar : community development and indigenous communities. Keynote address at the National Community Development Conference. Sheraton Hotel, Perth. [March 23, 2001], Published by Local Government Community Services Association of Australia The key point this article makes is that indigenous and non-indigenous people…